Lisbon Engagement Session

Jessica & Andrew | Lisbon, Portugal

So this “Lisbon engagement session” is a bit of a random result of a things kind of aligning. About a month ago I was traveling Europe with my friend and fellow photographer Lisa Stone. In the middle of our trip, we were attending the Fearless Conference in Porto – a gathering of likeminded photographers who are looking to learn, grow, and become better photographers. The conference featured talks by some of the world’s best wedding photographers and afterwards, we were left inspired to create. A day later, Lisa and I traveled to Lisbon and while we were soaking in the beautiful city streets, we came across a couple who just radiated with happiness. We entertained the idea of offering them a shoot, but before we convinced ourselves to just go for it, they disappeared into the crowd. About an hour later, we came across the same couple having lunch outside a cafe. It was fate, we decided. Without another thought we approached them and explained we were wedding photographers and if they were willing and interested we’d love to just hang out with them for a little bit and take some photos. Turns out they were recently engaged and vacationing from England. They were super fun, sweet and took everything in stride even though they had just arrived that afternoon without any plans of being photographed. How awesome is that?? Here are some of the photos that I took at this impromptu Lisbon engagement session.
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  1. […] Inspired by the talks at the conference and the colorful setting of Lisbon, Lisa and I decided it would be fun to try to do an impromptu photoshoot. We happened upon a vacationing couple and, after convinced them we weren’t weirdos, offered to do a free session for them. We spent maybe a half a hour chatting with Jessica and Andrew as we walked around–turns out they were recently engaged. So we basically just gave them a free engagement session in Lisbon. […]

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