City Club San Francisco Wedding

Jenn + Martin | San Francisco, California

In the week or so leading up to Jenn and Martin’s City Club San Francisco wedding, we were thinking about contingency plans for their first look and portraits in the city. I knew from these conversations that this would be a pretty wonderful day to photograph. Jenn and Martin were ready to embrace anything that came and just have fun no matter what. As fortune would have it, there wasn’t anything that was working against us and they had a beautiful day. Their story is one that spans over a decade, which brought together a reception and dance hall full of friends and family that have known each other for years. From the time they were getting ready at the Le Meridien, all through the ceremony and the reception, they were surrounded by warm laughter and affection. And true to their word, Jenn and Martin focused all their energy on just having a blast. Here are some of my favorite photographs from their day.

Le Meridien San Francisco Le Meridien San Francisco Le Meridien San Francisco Le Meridien San Francisco Le Meridien San Francisco Le Meridien San Francisco Le Meridien San Francisco Le Meridien San Francisco San Francisco Wedding Photo San Francisco Wedding Photo San Francisco Wedding Photo San Francisco Wedding Photo City Club San Francisco Wedding Photo City Club San Francisco Wedding Photo City Club San Francisco Wedding Photo City Club San Francisco Wedding Photo wedding selfie photo City Club San Francisco Wedding Photo City Club Wedding Photo City Club Wedding Photo City Club San Francisco Wedding Photo City Club San Francisco Wedding Photo City Club San Francisco Wedding Photo City Club San Francisco Wedding Photo San Francisco Wedding Photo City Club San Francisco Wedding Photo Mother Daughter dance photo candy bar photo Platinum Status Band Photo City Club Wedding Photo City Club Wedding Photo City Club Wedding Photo San Francisco Wedding Photo City Club Wedding Photo San Francisco Wedding Photo



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